Tuesday, March 24, 2009

35 mm love

35 mm love
Originally uploaded by 96khz aka. Sebastianlund

Can´t wait to get started with these baby´s

Friday, March 13, 2009

Zombie Jesus

It is official, Jesus was/or is a Zombie. Apparently it is Zombie Jesus day april 12th.
I have no idea what happens this day but, this just comfirms that my thoughts on the ressurrection part are true.

Link is here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tunnel at 4 in the morning

Originally uploaded by 96khz

Must find something to do while walking around in 4 in the morning with the baby. Found this tunnel at Østerbrogade and wondered about how many tunnels there are in Copenhagen which I never use.....

I have to take a day out to explore those tunnels....